Family Medicine
The specialty of family medicine is centered on lasting, caring relationships with patients and their families. Family physicians integrate the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences to provide continuing and comprehensive health care throughout the life span. The scope of family medicine encompasses all ages, sexes, each organ system and every disease entity. Simply put, family medicine and primary care are the backbone of the US health care system. Utilizing primary care physicians puts an emphasis on the physician-patient relationship by shifting the focus from physician-centered care to patient-centered care.
In America, family physicians provide the most care – managing nearly one-fourth of all primary care visits. Given the scope of family medicine, this comes as no surprise. Family physicians also pay special attention to their patients’ lives within the context of family and the community. While there are similarities between family medicine and the other primary care specialties, family physicians have an unprecedented opportunity to have an impact on the health of an individual patient over that person’s entire lifetime.
At Homer Medical Center, our family medicine providers offer these broad services each and every day. We provide annual and wellness visits on a daily basis, often followed by urgent-care needs, fracture care, minor procedures or follow-up from an ER or hospital stay. Our schedule is varied, busy and exciting- just the way we like it. We are proud to serve our community with all of our skills and will continue to create and nurture those relationships with our patients for years to come.
Read more about what sets our providers apart as family medicine physicians at:
Click this link to view the adult vaccine schedule
Medicare Wellness
Please take advantage of the services covered by Medicare wellness:
Welcome to Medicare visit – for beneficiaries within their first year of Medicare enrollment
Yearly Wellness visit – for beneficiaries who have had Medicare for more than one year.
These exams provide a routine evaluation if you are healthy or have stable medical conditions. The treatment of other medical concerns, new or changing, are not included in these visits. You will need to schedule a separate appointment to address those concerns. Most services will be covered by your Medicare benefits.
Some exclusions apply, please contact our billing department for more information at 907-235-6127
For more information go to: